Yup- it's been a year (almost) What a year it has been!
We are loving our new home and are still "decorating it" or whatever one calls it. Andrew has been working on the backyard tilling the backyard with a shovel, he's going to plant grass and make a vegetable garden. Our grass in the front is lush and green. We lived with dirt until mid-end Decemeber. Andrew made a flower bed in the front and put 3 rose bushes and planted some daffodil bulbs. We have lots of rose buds almost ready to bloom, and the daffodils are now peeking out of the dirt! I can't wait until Spring comes!I don't miss Santa Rosa as much- I think ever since we bought our home, that I was then able to put down roots and call Southern California home.
The kids have made good friends here. I am so grateful that they have found good friends.
I am still going to school- taking a Nursing 50 class and wondering to myself- is it worth it? It's a rough class.
We are happy here and we've enjoyed all the rain that we've recieved here-
Here's a quote that I found and love and wanted to share.
"If ever you are tempted to
become discouraged or
to lose faith.....
Hold on a little longer.
You can do this!
You are part of a special generation.
You were prepared and preserved
to live at this important time
in the existence of our
beautiful planet earth.
You have a celestial pedigree
and therefore have
all the necessary talents
to make your life an
eternal success story."
President Dieter F. Uchtdorf
Love it! Hope everyone is doing well!
Something New
5 years ago
It's so nice to see a post up on your blog... finally. Hang in there with school. It WILL all be worth it. I would love to see some pics of your new house, hint, hint.
Sarah- so good to see a blog from you! Hope you are liking school, and the commute! Say hi to your kids for me, and my brother too.
not so sure about that..
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