It's time again for me to post! We've been in the house for just over a month and we're still not settled in yet! I have been toooooo busy with school and homework. Andrew has been busy taking over some of my responsiblities, like doing the bills and cooking, etc. Even though I've been so busy, I haven't had any problems with vertigo or been sick- only had the stomach flu a few weeks ago, so I have been really blessed. It seems as though I am never caught up with homework, laundry or anything else for that matter. Oh well!!! I had a little talk with Andrew last night, about how busy we have been, and how maybe I shouldn't go back to school next semester, because I don't have as much time with the kids, but he says "NO.. it's important for the kids to see you go to college and strive for an education, and set that example for them." I moan and whine..."But it's hard!" hahaha! He always says, "Oh don't give me that! I've done it all!" Just wanted to murmur for a minute I guess. In reality, I love school even though there's a lot of homework, I feel better about myself. I feel my brain is now seeing the light and functioning again!
As for my excercise classes, I am doing really well.. I am now fitting into my too small clothes that I wasn't able to wear a year ago. SO!!!! tapping my back! Hopefully I'll be able to get smaller as time goes on. I love excercising!
I'm home today, Emma has the stomach flu, woke up in the night and started throwing up. I had an essay due this morning, so I left for a few minutes to go turn it in and get my homework assignments. So... Maybe I'll have the chance to get all caught up with homework!? We'll see!!!
We can't wait until my Spring break, that's in a few weeks in April. We got a free hotel stay for 2 nights in San Diego for signing with All State Insurance. So we're excited to go there for a few days, and just have fun! Andrew and I hope to go to the San Diego Temple, he has never been there, and I have wanted to take him since I went there last Aug. with Katrina. It's GORGEOUS!!!! So, thats something I'm really looking forward to!
Well! Hope all is well with you guys! Sorry I am so bad with posting...
Enjoy Spring!!!
Love ya all!
Hacked Bunny Ears Roblox
3 years ago